IMPORTANT: We have an important announcement for Pechor (2024/5/11).

About Pechor

What is Pechor?

Pechor is a content aggregator where users can explore quality online journalism in a personalized manner by specifying their interests in natural language. Pechor offers a very powerful yet easy-to-use interface to interact with the massive corpus of online content that is growing larger and larger by the day. Our software gives the users control over what they see, and learns from its interaction with the users to better tailor itself to each individual. Users can keep themselves updated on all the important events happening around the world using our 'explore' feature. Pechor also faciliate interactions between users with 'Pechor Spaces' and 'Pechor Thoughts'.

Pechor was founded in 2022 by Shen-Ho Lui, who is currently serving as it's CEO.

Why Pechor?

At Pechor, we believe that: Great content has the ability to change the world for the better. Digital journalism can be enriching, entertaining, and informative; yet great content that are being created everyday are not reaching the right audience.

Alternative content aggregators works well for generic, 'news-worthy' interests such as 'the Ukraine War', '2024 Election', or 'Health & Fitness', but fails to capture the diversity of quality content that are being created.

We believe in the power of a more inclusive content recommendation paradigm––one that respects the interests of each individual and possesses such simplicity that it does not exclude non-technical persons from utilizing it to its fullest potential. After all, digital journalism is much more than news. There are articles ranging from discussions about the latest rocket-launch to analysis of Postmodern Art. The traditional newspaper-like approach to content aggregation no longer satisfies the need of contemporary consumers, and there needs to be a radically new approach to content discovery.